Are you inspired to double your income this year yet get there more effortlessly?
Then join me (and my special guest) for a free 70-minute information-rich call on June 16 at 6 p.m. for
7 Amazingly Desirable Strategies to Double Your Income This Year.
Bring a big notebook because if you’ve been to one of my high-content webinars, you know I give a lot of implementable strategies and tactics. This webinar is no different (and, at the end of this high-content webinar, I’ll share more about several upcoming programs to help you rev up, recharge and renew yourself and your business this year).
Register now to reserve your spot. Enjoy this week’s article, on how to create unstoppable momentum for your small business.
Create a great life,
Lisa Mininni
P.S. Did you catch my 5 part video series at
…and, now for this week’s high-content article
2 Keys to Building Unstoppable Momentum in Your Small Business
If you have worked harder for someone else than you have in your own business, you’re not alone. In my recent Entrepreneurial Edge System 3-Day Intensive, this self-limiting habit seemed to be a popular pattern. It shows up by procrastinating, justifying a delay (it can always be done tomorrow), and not following up with a sense of urgency.
So how do you build unstoppable momentum when you just feel like being lazy? There are two keys critical to building unstoppable momentum:
The first key is clarity. There are a number of things to implement in your business. As a small business owner, you are wearing different hats and it’s impossible, not to mention ineffective, to try to keep it all in your head. The key is to clearly outline your:
· Preferred Client. When you’ve done your homework and know exactly who your preferred client is, you understand their habits and are familiar with where they hangout. It makes it a lot easier to know where you should also be inserting your marketing messages and networking.
· Goals. Goals are broad and describe a general direction. Establish 3-5 goals each year setting at least one stretch goal each year.
· Objectives. Objectives are more narrow and specific. They support each goal and can be measured. Each objective is grounded in a timeframe. With a timeframe, you can determine if that objective is realistic and creates a sense of urgency.
· Metrics. Metrics are like gauges on your dashboard. Tracking metrics quarterly will give you an idea how your plan is working out and what you may need to do differently to meet your yearly goals.
With a plan to follow, you will begin setting something to look forward to. Start sharing your plan with others and blog about it. There’s nothing better than mentioning to your clients that you have something coming up in a few months to get you committed to deliver on that promise.
The second key is consistency through systematization. If you don’t have a consistent day in which you blog or keep in touch with your client base, you’re missing an important part of building unstoppable momentum.
When you deliver consistent high-content messages, your prospects will see you as the go-to expert in your field. As you consistently provide information-rich topics, your prospects begin to look forward to your messages. The systematization of your messaging creates a rhythm. The rhythm leads to an expectation. When you meet that expectation you’ve created, it creates trust over time with your prospects. You’ve just created an ongoing system for staying in touch – a critical component in creating unstoppable momentum in your business.
Notice other areas in your business where you can create a cadence. If you belong to a networking group and that networking group meets a certain date of the week, you’ve already started that rhythm. Now, start plugging in your other marketing strategies onto your calendar. Once you take all of your marketing tactics and regularly apply them, you’ll notice a synergy begin. Continue until your entire year is planned out. Before you know it, you are getting your message out in a really harmonious way and building unstoppable momentum.
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Lisa Mininni is a Best Selling Author and President of Excellerate Associates – home of The Entrepreneurial Edge SystemTM a national program showing small business owners how their clients find them, choose them, and buy from them.
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