Whether you’re starting up your business or have been in business a while, you must be exact to attract your ideal clients. This includes knowing and understanding your preferred customer or client so you develop marketing messages that speak directly to them.
I talk a lot about getting clear on your ideal client through your Preferred Client Profile. Your Preferred Client Profile is the description of your ideal client.
When describing your ideal client, most business owners stop at demographics. When you only focus on hard data (age, marital status, net worth, etc.), it leaves a gap in how best to attract your ideal clients.
To attract more of who you want to work with, close the gap by noticing who your ideal clients are from a different angle: their psychometrics. Psychometrics determine how your clients are naturally wired. Their wiring will provide insights on the way they prefer their information and even the pace at which they want to receive it.
Why Do You Need To Know This?
According to CEO and Founder of AcuMax, Inc., Jay Hawreluk, “When you understand your natural wiring, you are able to recognize the differences and better connect with other people. Knowing ourselves – as well as the opposite of ourselves – is powerful knowledge in attracting more clients, effectively leading your organization, and eliminating much of the unnecessary clutter that negatively impacts each business owner on a daily basis.”
If you know what will engage your clients or what will turn them off, you’ll be way ahead of your competition. What’s more is that you can serve your client at higher levels when you know what makes them tick.
For example, one of my clients, Jayne Burch, President of Marketing Monsoon, builds Lead Generation Systems. There are a number of steps to create such a system. Those business owners who are naturally wired with a high sense of urgency do not have the patience (or interest) to sit and create this system themselves. So, they hire Jayne to create it for them. After Jayne completed her Preferred Client Profile, she concluded that the majority of her clients were, in fact, hardwired to want their information quickly and in bullet points.
Armed with this information about who she wanted to attract, and indeed was attracting, she noted several changes to her messaging and pre-qualification process.
First, she changed her website’s format to include more resulted-oriented bullet points, speaking directly to the format most preferred by her ideal clients.
Second, she needed specific information in order to have a productive conversation when she met with her prospects. So, how did she get what she needed and meet their innate needs? She revamped her intake process creating a quick fill-in-the-blank and checklist questionnaire, creating a win-win scenario.
When meeting with her prospects one-on-one, she also accelerated the pace of the meeting and focused on the end result they would achieve by working with her. She not only had set up the message format and intake process to appeal to her ideal prospect’s hardwiring, but delivered the information the way they preferred to receive it when meeting with them.
The Result?
She closed on every single sale for three months running. Getting clear and noticing your client’s natural wiring saves you time, effort, and money on your marketing.
When you get clear on your ideal clients, you will:
- Format your messages to get the most optimal response;
- Set up your intake process to pre-qualify your prospects with exactly who you want to work with;
- Deliver your programs and services in the way your preferred clients innately need to receive them;
- Be clear on the best way to motivate your clients so they get the best results from your products and services.
You will also retain existing clients, because they will see that you understand what makes them tick. If you haven’t looked at your client profile in a while, dust it off giving your business a winning edge.
For more information on spotting a person’s natural hardwiring, join us for the Wired to Win Program. Get get instant access to this program and your own AcuMax Index hardwiring report in our Excellerated Success Institute. Click here for registration Information and High-Content Video Here.
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