As your start up grows into a second stage business, keep in mind that the failure rate of change initiatives is estimated between 50 to 70%.
It’s no wonder many businesses don’t even make it out of the start up phase. One of the reasons for this high failure rate has to do with the way those changes are communicated.
Deliver information the way the other person wants to receive it and increase your chance that your message will be received regardless if that person is your prospect, your colleague or your staff. This can be tricky especially since people like to receive their information in different ways.
The secret is to notice. Notice how people are naturally wired. Your natural wiring is something you were born with and stays with you your entire lifetime. Based on this wiring you like to give and receive your information in certain ways.
When information is delivered in the way you like it, the information sticks. The same is true for your prospects, clients, and staff. You just have to notice the subtle cues of how people give and receive their information.
The format you use to communicate so that your message sticks depends on your audience. Are they your prospect, your client, or your staff? For example, my Wake Up Profitable Alumni complete their Preferred Client Profile to identify their ideal client’s hardwiring attributes. When they determine their ideal client’s hardwiring, they are able to determine which communication method, medium and format is optimal to use in their marketing messages to attract that ideal client.
To increase your odds of your message getting through, I prepared an infographic complete with an effective email format and communication process. See what happens when you use this Infographic to design your next communication for your prospects, clients and your team.
To learn more about your natural wiring and additional ways to attract your ideal clients, register now for the:
Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners
April 28-29, 2015
Honolulu, Hawaii
Registration information at
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