Can you believe the holiday season is upon us?
It’s easy to get wrapped up (pun intended) in the hustle and bustle of the season, but I want to share with you a ritual that can really make a significant difference in the people in your life.
When I meet with my clients, I take a moment to acknowledge them for the contributions they are in the world. It only takes a moment and they often remark how much it means to be recognized in that way.
As you gather with friends and family this holiday season, I encourage you to acknowledge them for the contribution they have been in your life.
Your acknowledgement may identify a simple gesture they made, how you appreciated the care package they sent your way, or simply an attribute or talent that you admire.
I also know that, for some people, you may have to dig a little deeper to find that acknowledgement. It’s not that difficult to find though. It’s as close as your heart and it may be found in forgiveness.
Until next time…
Create a great life,
Lisa Mininni
Ditto with the author, a gesture of acknowlegement goes a long way…a greater gift than the tangibles.