As a leader, you can communicate with effectiveness and grace when you deliver information with a person’s natural wiring in mind. Your natural wiring or hardwiring is something you’re born with, it’s distinct from behaviors, and stays with you your entire lifetime.
As you know if you’ve been part of my community, your wiring determines how much autonomy you innately need, how you process thought, the environment in which you best thrive, and the amount of information you need for effective decision making.
In last week’s blog article, I shared two tips business leaders can use to empower their team when the team member is wired with a high degree of autonomy. This week, we’ll focus on what to keep in mind if you are delivering information to a person who is a Verbal Thinker.
Verbal Thinker (or External Thinker) is the informal term to describe individuals who are naturally wired higher on the Communication spectrum. They have a high social drive which seeks to connect with others.
They also verbalize to crystallize their thoughts. They bounce ideas off of others to formalize and finalize their own thoughts. This process of casting the thought a loud and judging the reaction received from others helps them to develop their idea.
When little or no response is received from another person, this motivates a Verbal Thinker to repeat themselves or restate the idea to ensure the concept is fully understood. As a leader, you may even find that they come back to the same issue over and over especially if you haven’t fully acknowledged their idea or concept.
When working with a person who is higher on the Communication spectrum and you need to say no to their promotion, it’s important to be in their world. Their self-confidence is derived externally. They respond positively when receiving acknowledgement for their performance. However, if you need to say no to their promotion, this can be a real hit to their self-confidence, which they innately get externally.
How you frame the news can make a real difference to Verbal Thinkers. They innately like to give and receive help. When saying no, let them know how you will assist them to receive the necessary skills or training they might be missing so that they can learn the added skills to turn that no into a yes.
To learn more about human hardwiring, join us for one of these two upcoming events:
Thursday, July 28, 2016
FREE Teleseminar:
Relationship Marketing – Know Yourself. Know Your Network. Hosted by Holistic Chamber of Commerce
August 12-13, 2016
Learn all about your wiring in this LIVE Workshop (includes your AcuMax Index):
Wired to Win – Your Path to Passion, Purpose and Profit
Learn about your own wiring, specific ways you can create your optimal work environment, and become more masterful on how others want to receive their information.
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