As a business owner, you can’t say yes to everything. You must set boundaries for what you take on, whether it is new collaborations, projects, or initiatives.
Sometimes your desire to be helpful can get in the way of turning down requests. Other times, you might say yes because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
If you say yes for the wrong reasons, however, you waste your time and can erode trust. It’s the very trust you want to have with your team that is at stake.
The best thing you can do for your role as a leader is get skilled at saying no. There’s something few people ever consider when it comes to the art of saying no. You operate from your very own natural wiring which often gets in the way. Your natural wiring is present at birth and stays with you throughout your life time.
The key is to notice how others need to receive their information. When you become masterful at delivering information the way the other person needs to receive it, watch as you improve your relationships, communication and results.
Whether you’re saying no to a vacation request, idea, or special arrangement, there is an element of natural wiring that can make or break any conversation – and that is pace.
So where does pace come from in your natural wiring?
Pace comes from your patience level. There are those people who have a low amount of patience as part of their wiring; and conversely, those who are higher in their patience.
It doesn’t mean either can be patient at times. Rather, it tells us the environment in which we best thrive. It also matters the pace at which you deliver the information.
For example, if your team member has a high patience level as part of their wiring, the wiring naturally gives them the ability to create long term focus. By their nature, they will be more sequential in their work flow.
The mix of their other elements can also influence how to deliver information so let’s assume for a moment that this is their highest, or most influential, trait. When delivering a no to someone with a higher patience level, sequence is important to them.
If you must say no to their promotion, remember that sequence is important to them. Make uninterrupted time with them to collaboratively map out the steps necessary so that they can see the path to promotion.
This small step can make a real difference for them. As a leader, knowing the distinctions of human wiring increases your ability to navigate any kind of communication with grace even when you have to say no.
Take your leadership to the next level by registering for our upcoming workshop, Wired to Win! Your Path to Passion, Purpose and Profits at More information below:
To learn more about human hardwiring, join us for one of these two upcoming events:
Thursday, July 28, 2016
FREE Teleseminar:
Relationship Marketing – Know Yourself. Know Your Network. Hosted by Holistic Chamber of Commerce
August 12-13, 2016
Learn all about your wiring in this LIVE Workshop (includes your AcuMax Index):
Wired to Win – Your Path to Passion, Purpose and Profit
Learn about your own wiring, specific ways you can create your optimal work environment, and become more masterful on how others want to receive their information.
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