Running a business can come with a lot of challenges. You might have a plan that is not working or simply stuck in trying to keep up with the pace rather than proactive with the plan. Whether you are stuck in a decision, an idea or shifting the way you get things done, there is a simple way to get unstuck.
When confused, you become mentally paralyzed. You often look at this or that causing a rise in anxiety, fear or frustration. You get stuck because you consider only two options: this or that.
When your mind gets fixed in a this-or-that scenario, your creative juices stop. You can get those juices flowing again if you consider how things can be integrated.
When you’re stuck in a this-or-that scenario, ask yourself how you could combine options. By integrating or taking pieces from both options, you find a brand new alternative that works.
When I challenged a client about expanding a new line of business she had been talking about starting for some time, she immediately pushed back. She looked at the addition as something “extra” and her plate was already full.
She was stuck in a this-or-that mindset. If I expand my already full plate, I’ll be even more busy and I can’t handle anymore.
Then, I simply asked her to consider a concept from my book, Me, Myself, and Why? The Secrets to Navigating Change. The concept is called the and solution. How could she expand her business and work less?
Suddenly, the light bulb went on. We looked at creating a team and how she could build a bigger plate rather than adding more on her existing plate.
The and solution can be applied in many ways, including:
-Negotiating a contract where there is a deadlock
-Reaching team consensus
-Making a decision
A simple way to get unstuck in your business is simply asking the and questions:
- Where could you integrate solutions (a bit of this solution and a bit of that solution)?
- Could you enroll employee A and employee B to complete a project on time?
- What would be possible if you could scale your business and have more time for the important things in your life?
Where in your life could you use the “and” concept to get unstuck in your business?
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