In a recent meeting with my Lab Leader Licensees, we were talking about the power of consistency in scaling a business. No matter what type of business you have, consistency is key to accomplishing just about anything. The growth of your business depends on it.
Consistency has power. It influences your performance and your employees and customers depend on it. They need a predictable flow of information, too. I often see business owners inconsistently implementing their marketing initiatives before they gain traction.
For your own business, consider where consistency might be missing in your:
-Business Management Systems
-Customer Service
Here is a simple process to get started in creating more consistency:
1. List areas in your business where if you created more consistency it would make a real difference. For example, if you need to expand your reach, identify specific networking opportunities.
2. Once you’ve identified the specific area, put it into existence. Using the networking example, you want to identify specific networking groups or associations where you could meet your ideal client. Don’t stop there. Place the meeting times and dates in your calendar for the remainder of the year. This existence system creates consistency.
3. Finally, make sure to keep your appointments. When you do, you create consistency in your networking. Your consistency will create a rhythm. The rhythm will have a ripple effect.
This is one small example of how to turn on the consistency key in your business. Once you take all of your marketing tactics and regularly apply them, you’ll notice how many more clients you bring in. When you have that consistent marketing process, you will build unstoppable momentum.
To strategically align and scale your business, reserve your spot today at the 2017 Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners on April 27-28, 2017. Register by February 28 to take advantage of the latest tuition scholarship and installment programs at
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