As the leader of your company, the ability to visualize and articulate a future state for your company is a vital component of your success. There are many stories of failed businesses. What you’ll often find what was missing was often a lack of vision and consistent aligned execution with that vision.
With a vision, you see what could be and most importantly, ways to make it a reality. A vision should also demonstrate your values in action. However, vision alone can produce unpredictable results if you don’t establish a context and align it.
In the Wired to Win Workshop, we showed business owners ways to align their purpose, mission, vision, and contribution in the world. With a foundational alignment, you and your team become clear and identify a context in which to step into to achieve that vision and ultimately your contribution the world.
People who commit to their vision realize that they must change their actions in order to actualize it. They absorb their vision at a level where it changes their actions and the way they view the world. They begin to focus on the world they are actively creating.
In today’s fast-paced world, we often want to have instant results in life but we need to cultivate our awareness that leads us to it. The greater awareness you create about yourself and live in alignment with your values, the more you will feel a sense of hope and confidence.
I’m reminded of a story of Jamie. Jamie felt stuck with her life. She worked alone and her she lacked the people contact that she innately needed. She also did not focus on that which she found most important: her family. She was not living her desired vision.
One of the first things we did together is write down her vision. In writing her vision, she also got clear on her values and developed a declarative statement for her future. She posted her vision statement everywhere.
It wasn’t only important to post the vision, but create a habit around it. On a daily basis, she said her vision aloud. It became the future she was living into. One of her values was balance, which was included in her vision.
In a few weeks, an interesting thing happened. She kept her vision in mind when scheduling her calendar. Instead of overscheduling, she began to scheduling time for herself and her family. She took control of her schedule rather than being a victim to it.
Can you see why incorporating your values into your vision and demonstrating those values in action are important? Your vision becomes a future world you’re living into.
Your vision becomes the future place you desire to live. It becomes a foundation for your life’s decisions. For a business owner, that can be especially helpful.
Take the first step in developing your core values. Select your top 10 values for your life and business. Develop a vision statement that incorporates those key values.
If you would like an easy format to develop your vision, pick up Me, Myself, and Why? The Secrets to Navigating Change on Amazon.
If you would like to take the next step and learn ways to purposefully align and incorporate your vision as well as powerfully scale your business, register for the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners on October 5-6, 2017 at Davenport University in Livonia, Michigan.
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