You’re invited to attend the Create Your Signature Program which is scheduled for Fri-Sat, Nov 1-2, 2019. The deadline for registering is coming up!
Your Signature Program is a must-have asset to scale your business while creating a body of work that gives your company distinct recognition in the marketplace. This workshop is for you if you…
-Struggle to answer this simple question, “what do you do?”
-Have difficulty succinctly describing the value the client receives when working with you and your company.
-Dread attending conferences and networking events because you don’t know how to answer “what you do” in a way that distinguishes your services/products from all others.
-Struggle with designing an experience your clients will enjoy—from enrollment, continuity, and through to completion.
If inspired to distinguish yourself in the marketplace, I invite you to register for this interactive workshop today at:
See you soon!
Create a great life,
Lisa Mininni
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