American Author, Kenneth Blanchard wrote, “When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” His words are profound.
With the lingering pandemic, small businesses haven’t had it easy. They have had to navigate misinformation, work with broken systems, and keep employees informed and engaged. They seek out resources, tap into their resourcefulness, and figure out solutions to daily problems.
By now, you might be reflecting on what is missing in your company to stay in business. You might have discovered a process, policy, system, or even your financial reserves were missing. You might notice what is most important and what you thought was important…isn’t.
You might have learned a new skill in leadership and shifted your business model. And, you might have had to make one of the most difficult decisions in your entire entrepreneurial journey.
Yet, beyond this Cloud of Ambiguity something is waiting for you. It’s your resilience muscle. It’s your opportunity to recover from all of the challenges, expand your capacity to navigate change, and tap into a new level of leadership.
It’s an opportunity to ask yourself, “what is missing that if I put it in, would make a real difference even make our lives and our business effortlessly resilient?” A simple inquiry is a good place to start, don’t you think?
If you’re inspired to build in resilience into your business, I invite you to register for the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners on Thurs-Fri Oct 21-22, 2021. You may join us online or in person when registering.
If you’re wondering how to build in resilience, create business management systems, and identify multiple revenue streams while aligning with your company’s Contribution in the World and your human wiring, I invite you to join us.
You’ll experience a framework to expand your business model, build in accountability systems, and walk away with a Blueprint that turns your new business model into a reality.
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