Design Empath - a certified women-owned business providing product design services
-Project Lab Mentoring
-Wake Up Profitable Boom Camp for Business Owners
From 0 Project Purchase Orders to Adding 2 New Clients and 1 New Purchase Order Each Month
Design Empath is a Certified Women-Owned Business providing Product Design Services. It has developed a reputation for managing complex projects, 3D CAD Modeling, Product Engineering for Production Release, Product Verification and Design Process support.
Their primary service sector is transportation where they champion virtual “off site” operations, managing a distributed workforce all the while maintaining a confidentiality standard required for their Industry.
In 2019, their industry was shifting; and, after 20 years, the business was flatlining. The CEO’s personal life was uninspired. The future looked bleak, and the CEO had not set goals for the business or areas of life.
Even before March 2020, the industry had changed. Design Empath had succeeded in working remote but they had lost face-to-face contact. They experienced fewer referrals, their main source of new clients. After 20 years, Design Empath needed to refill their funnel of clients.
Additionally, there was no vision or goals and benchmarks for the business. Accountability systems and consistent accounting systems were missing.
Here’s how Excellerate Associates assisted Design Empath through the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp and the Project Lab Mentoring:

Defined Goals
Defined goals and prioritized actions by domain. This reverse engineering Business Blueprint process includes defining goals in all areas of life, giving the CEO clarity and a pathway to actualizing outcomes in all areas of life. The CEO defined her goals to create an inspiring lifestyle while generating greater than baseline gross receipts and directly employ four small businesses.

Defined Design Empath's Contribution in the World
To create a new context from which Design Empath created new opportunities as well as provide clarity in brand messaging, we helped Design Empath establish their Contribution in the World: Cultivate an environment of creativity every day.
From this new context and commitment, Design Empath generated new clients who were a fit for the company’s services.

Understand How Human Wiring Influenced The Business
We mentored Design Empath’s leader in understanding her unique human wiring so that she understood her innate strengths and what she needed to stay consistently motivated. She learned ways to be fully expressed (rather than acquiescing to keep the peace). She also challenged herself to be intentional. Rather than taking on all tasks herself, she learned interrupt her patterns of self-limiting behaviors and engage others rather than taking on trying to fix them herself.

Developed a Lifestyle and Business That Works
Consistent with embodying intentionality, the CEO designed a balanced lifestyle by completing 3 personal projects and 3 travel adventures. Additionally, her business grew simultaneously by tapping into leadership distinctions that helped her work with and through others.
The Excelleration Business Mentoring, Leadership Coaching, and Training, resulted in:
- Reached greater than baseline gross receipts and directly employed 4 small businesses.
- Increased brand recognition through a global supplier network
- Established efficient, quarterly accountability systems to actively manage accounts receivable
- Aligned company goals and employee accountabilities, benchmarks and process for achieving benchmarks
- Implemented an existence system for all areas of life for maximum satisfaction and enjoyment, including planned travel adventures.
In Their Own Words...
“In 2019, our industry was shifting, our business of 20 years was flatlining and my personal life was uninspired. I saw Lisa Mininni speak as she shared her story of her life and reinvention. I bought her book and signed up for her Wake Up Profitable Business Boot Camp where I learned ways to work effectively with my human wiring, systematize the business, and create a Business Blueprint to have all areas of my life work. Next, I joined her business group Project Lab. What follows in these two years of being in the Project Lab is laser-focused clarity.
I got clear on what drives me, my motivators, my personal missions, and what I wanted out of my own life and the business. Using Excellerate Associates's Business Blueprint and systems allowed me to organize my business and live an inspired personal life. I’ve designed the business and my life just the way I wanted for the next phase of my life.”
Cynthia Robison, CEO, Design Empath