Thank you for inquiring about our 1-on-1 private Discovery Session.
This is a perfect session for you if you want:
Focused Direction
for consistent, aligned results.
Improved Effectiveness and Engagement
so your work environment is aligned with your area of genius.
Transformed Outcomes
in all areas of life and business.
The First Step
One important step is to assess where you are today. Uncovering your special talents and your natural hard wiring is a key launching point, which is why we’ve developed the Discovery Session.
You will find these instruments life-enhancing and a major step toward achieving your personal and professional goals.
During the Discovery Session, you will:
- Discover Your Own Natural Hard Wiring
You might have wondered for a long time why certain techniques or business models don’t sound appealing to you or haven’t worked. Your human wiring is key to how people navigate change, make decisions, create relationships, and conduct business among other things. You’ll discover:
- Your unique mix of hardwiring by reviewing your customized hardwiring report;
- The impact change is having on you, your business operations, marketing, sales, and hiring;
- What you absolutely need to stay motivated in your business.
You begin to understand how your hardwiring impacts your ability to lead, navigate, and create change. This insight is then used throughout the other coaching programs to help you further understand who you work with best, how you should structure your business, how to improve your sales process (if applicable), and what you innately need in your business to stay consistently motivated.
- Possibilities Readiness
This open-ended questionnaire identifies challenges, obstacles, and priority areas. It identifies gaps that may exist and where those gaps may be surfacing personally and/or professionally. These areas are explored during the course of the Discovery Session. You’ll uncover just where the stuck points are and identify specifically what needs to happen to move ahead.
- Coaching Readiness
Often times you have self-limiting beliefs or processes that interfere with successful transitions. This 20-statement self-rating survey helps you to identify areas of strength and areas that need continued development to achieve your goals and objectives. The Coaching Readiness Survey also determines if you are ready to proceed with an ongoing coaching program and where there may be areas inhibiting a transition.
- Business Current State Survey – Systems Assessment
So many business owners are doing a lot of things, but not doing the right things to move their business ahead.
Often times, they don’t have alignment of the big picture with the very systems necessary to create profitability in their business and/or are executing outdated marketing systems that don’t pre-qualify clients, have no way to cultivate a relationship with that prospect, and don’t have stay-in-touch systems that cultivate relationships.
This survey asks the insightful questions so you get an immediate idea of the systems that are missing and what you can do today to close the gap between where you are today and where you want to be.
Successful business is not built on just marketing or just developmental systems. A systems approach looks at the internal, external, financial and developmental systems in concert with one other. That’s why a systems approach to profitability is a decidedly different approach.

What Business Owners Have To Say About Our Unique Systems Approach...
Edee Franklin, Founder, Sanctum House
From Scattered to Peace and Ease
With a growing million-dollar real estate business, the launch of Sanctum House, a nonprofit for human trafficking survivors, and Human Trafficking Anonymous – Step Forward, a 12-Step Program in development, I have a lot going on. Did I also mention I’m writing a book?
I felt scattered in many directions, overwhelmed, and overloaded.
In one Discovery Session with Lisa, we revamped the way I needed to work based on my individual hardwiring so that I could succeed in all areas without driving myself crazy.
By the time I left, I had laser-focused goals, action steps, resources and a team identified to make it all work. What’s more is that I found a way to write the book that was natural to the way I needed to execute it. Do you have any idea how long I procrastinated writing it? In one session, I discovered how simple it is to get it all accomplished based on how I am wired. I’m also taking advantage of her Profitability Lab: Introduction half-day session, too.
I left feeling like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Lisa was masterful in her ability to guide me through my personal maze so that getting to the other side appears to be possible with structure and ease. I am looking forward to her Profitability Lab with great expectations. Two hours has me turned around….a half day will have me taking giant leaps! Lisa…You ROCK! Edee Franklin,,
Leslie Shreve, Productivity Expert, Productive Day
Decision, Direction, Definition and Delivery
Lisa Mininni is an amazing business growth expert and coach. I’ve had the privilege of being a client this year and have thoroughly enjoyed our calls, our conversations and my breakthroughs.
Lisa’s experience, knowledge, and style are all parts of what I love so much about working with her. She’s straight-forward, professional, and easy to talk with. She asks questions that lead you to solutions and I enjoy her bottom line, results-driven thinking.
Lisa helped me with 4 D’s: Decision, Direction, Definition and Delivery. Lisa helped me make a few decisions I was on the fence about… and I’m already a highly decisive person! But I was stuck and, with her help, I was able to move on and be free after making these decisions. Then she gave me direction when I felt like I was at a crossroads of available choices and not sure which way to go. Lisa also helped me define more clearly my target market (when I thought I was already clear!) and she helped me understand how I can expand the delivery of my Taskology™ system, which included discussions about the type of training I offer and how to include membership programs in the mix. Lisa also helped me refine my signature talk to make it keynote-worthy so I can grow my audience, increase my reach and help more professionals.
From my 13 years working in corporations and now almost 10 years of being a business owner I’ve learned that you can’t make big progress in leaps and bounds without collaborative relationships and experts who can coach or mentor you along the way. Thank you, Lisa, for being an insightful, supportive and encouraging coach and a guiding light on my continued journey to greater success!
Leslie Shreve, Productivity Expert, Founder & CEO, Productive Day
One-On-One. Customized. Meet Online or Onsite. 2-Hour Session.
After you register, please check your email to schedule your appointment and receive links to the assessments. For additional information or to talk to a customer care representative, please call 734-223-3938.