Impressed by the Framework and Overall Experience
We attended Wake Up Profitable last year and were impressed by the framework and overall experience. The exercises caused us to discover out-of-the-box ideas on ways we could scale our business.
The biggest takeaway was discovering ways to systematize and diversify our revenue model. Most importantly, we identified a solution to expand our portfolio of business resulting in a well-received new product offering and new market!
We are also members of the Profitability Lab Business Mentoring and Coaching, which has caused us to take big leaps and given us the support to lead powerfully. With the Business Blueprint, we stay on point with our plan and refine our business management systems to stay profitable.
Our employees have shared with us how much they appreciate the direction we’re taking the company. It’s rewarding to see our goals become a reality in just 12 months.
We highly recommend the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners and the Profitability Lab Mentoring.
Sonja Parker and Kit Dickinson, Integrated Design, Inc.
Advice Saved Me Time!
After listening to Lisa Mininni’s webinar about the benefits of systemisation I decided to look at processes that I was performing regularly and how I could implement an element of systematisation.
As a therapist I receive a lot of enquiries from potential clients and I send similar replies with basic introductory information. I created a Word document with common paragraphs such as a welcome paragraph, directions to my therapy rooms, information about data protection etc. I open this document as soon as I boot up my computer and I copy and paste the paragraphs into my replies. It has worked so well that I have expanded it to include paragraphs I commonly use in follow-up emails.
Lisa’s advice is saving me about 15 minutes per email. I will definitely be looking for more systematisation opportunities.
Pat Duckworth, Cognitive Hypnotherapy, London
Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp – Hawaii
Mindset Shift at the Wake Up Profitable
CEO Designs Life Better Than Imagined
As President and CEO of a company that I owned and had just merged with a larger organization, I know I needed (an objective confidante) to work on my exit plan. Working with Lisa as a Premier client was better than I had imagined. Lisa and I had conversations that were priceless. I worked on an exit strategy that helped me keep my integrity and professionalism during an otherwise intense professional and personal transition. I no longer have doubts that sabotage me and ask for what I want. As a Premier client, I learned what makes me tick. Learning about my own wiring, helped me take a step back and understand situations and literally changed my thinking.
After my transition from the company, I continued working with Lisa as a Success Circle Client to create my new normal. I created a new realm of possibility for myself much different and so rewarding – more than I would have imagined. What I like most about Lisa is that she helps you develop your own desired life. She has an in depth understanding of a person’s wiring and has this unique ability to help you focus and build a life you want. Thanks to Lisa, I’ve created the exact lifestyle doing what I love most right now.
If you’re thinking about working with Lisa, I say – do what you have to attend her Wake Up Profitable Intensive, work with her one on one through her Success Circle or Premier Coaching Program. It will pay for itself thousand fold and is absolutely the very best you can ever invest in yourself and in your business! Every day, I use the principles and have fundamentally changed my thinking as a result. – Kathy Laginess, President/CEO
From Struggling to Long-Lasting Results

From Confused to Clarity in 72 Hours and onto a 5-Figure Month within 120 Days!
In just 120 Days in year one, Terry went from struggling to his first 5 figure month.
Social Media Marketing Expert Completely Revamped Her Sales Funnel, Received Cutting-Edge Marketing Ideas To Add Value To Her Clients, And Developed Her Own Business Blueprint Giving Her More Time For More Business.
From Best Kept Secret to Best Selling Author

Real Business Plan And A New Way Of Thinking
From Reactive to Proactive!
Small Business Owner Puts Her System on Fast Forward!
Chiropractor Gets Crystal Clear On How To Grow Her Business With Her Own Business Blueprint
Therapy Practice Owner Goes From Navigating A Deep River Without A Boat To Sailing With Confidence.
Mortgage Broker Discovers How To Leverage His Own Hardwiring!
Small Business Owner Had Huge Improvements In Business Scorecard And Created Desired Personal Life

Executive Turns Successful Entrepreneur