One of the best things to draw in new clients, quickly establish credibility, and create and create exposure for your business is speaking. Whether you organize your own workshops on a regular basis or get booked to speak in front of groups or associations, it works well to consistently fill your prospect pipeline (and it’s a strategy I’ve used with great success for many years.)
One of the key strategies in any good speaking engagement is to authentically connect with your audience. A good way to develop that connection is to share a core story that is a genuine expression of you. Finding that signature story is a hidden secret that all good speakers share.
Over time, you become known for this story and even famous for it. You become so good at telling your story that people will request it over and over again. For example, my tire iron story is one that ties into many lessons. I’ve had audience members who have seen me speak on many occasions and have said how that story gives them chills yet also inspires them each time they hear it.
Your signature story can describe great loss or even hardship and how you overcame it. As a leader, sharing your experience can place you in a vulnerable position so you have to be emotionally ready to share it. When presented with authenticity and grace, you create a circle of comfort that envelops audience members especially when they share a similar experience.
Your signature story might even come from an embarrassing situation or misunderstanding that snowballed out of control. Some of the funniest signature stories are born from the most humiliating moments and offer important learning lessons.
When choosing a story, remember to stick with personal stories. Because you’ve lived them, you can recall details and provide insights that make your story come alive. When it is the reason you got into your line of work, it helps develop your credibility. Your story is what makes you unique and your ideal clients will be drawn to you and want to work with you.
With practice, your story becomes a meaningful signature story that resonates and connects you with your audience. What can be seen as an ordinary experience becomes a compelling story especially if you tie it into learning a life lesson, a turning point, and even overcoming adversity. When you weave your story with your key points of your presentation, you leave your audience connecting with you and wanting more.
Level up your speaking at the Speaker Lab Master Class, June 18, 2021 (with feedback sessions on June 25 and July 16, 2021). Register no later than Friday, June 11, 2021 at:
- Create Your Signature Story
- Increase your confidence
- Learn to authentically connect with your audience
- Learn advanced speaking techniques
- Walk out with your Signature Talk
- Get coaching and feedback with your online or onsite presentation
- Work through a framework to craft any type of presentation that inspires your audience
- Learn the system of speaking