In a conversation with a fellow business owner who leads a recruiting agency, she mentioned that many of her clients are running around in many directions and that if they took time out to focus on their business rather in their business, they would often see the solutions to their most pressing problems.
It reminded me of one of my quotes, “When you stop to take a break, watch as you attract new things into your life. The new thing was just waiting for you to stop long enough to notice.”
If you’ve been on the go-go-go or pushing to force and outcome, I invite you to surrender. I don’t mean give up. An interesting definition of surrender is cease resistance.
Consider that pushing is resisting. Consider if you reflect and surrender, you might just open up a flood gate of opportunities. Others might just step in to assist you. A solution you’ve been asking for shows up.
How to Surrender to Work ON Your Business
Every year in November, I set aside several days to work on my business for the next year. I intentionally identify a word that gives a positive context from which to create. This year the word didn’t come so easily to me. One day, as I sat quiet, the word came to me: strategic. As a result, strategic relationships are showing up.
Ask yourself what might open up for you if you surrendered? (Surrendered to another way your business could look. Surrendered expectations. Surrendered judgment. Surrendered unrealistic expectations.)
If inspired to explore a fresh way to look at your company, I invite you to surrender into allowing two days to get a new perspective on your business and life at the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners on April 21-22, 2022.
There’s nothing better than:
- Discovering your unique mix of human wiring and how to fully express it
- Aligning with your company’s Contribution in the World (this is really motivating when you get in touch with it); and
- Developing new ways to open up opportunities so you create a sustainable business.
Leaders who take this journey and holistic approach are committed to authentically connecting, brainstorming with their brilliance, and expanding their leadership.
Give yourself this cohort experience by registering by Friday, April 15, 2022 at: