What do these business tools have in common?
Organizational Chart
Core Values
Fiscal Fitness
These tools are often overlooked essentials. Without them you will:
- Wrestle with knowing your bench strength
- Struggle to shape your company’s culture
- Be caught off guard as you scale
Bench Strength
As soon as one of my mentoring clients got clear on the reporting relationships within her rapidly growing business, she was then able to see clearly how to stop being the bottleneck in her company’s growth. With greater ease, she easily assigns responsibilities freeing her schedule to focus on the strategic plan rather than the day-to-day tasks.
Company’s Culture Through Core Values
Your core values are more important that words on a poster. One CEO of an IT firm indicated that his values come into play each day particularly in their consultative process with clients or even prospects. It’s part of his core values to give the customer what they need, not just what he has to sell. As a result, he has a high degree of customer retention and satisfaction. He has positioned himself as a trusted advisor.
Fiscal Fitness
Nobody wants to be caught off guard when they scale. As your company expands, it’s more important than ever to understand and manage the fiscal fitness of your company. If you’re not managing your financials, you could be aligning yourself with some sleepless nights when you discover you don’t have enough to cover payroll. A simple system to review your financials each week or month keeps your eye on early warning signs so you can respond before it becomes problematic.
Today is Day 1 of the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners where we work on these very essentials to scale your business. If you couldn’t make it this month, make it point to get your ticket for October 3-4, 2019. I invite you to register with 2019earlybird10wup before Friday, May 3 to take advantage of early registration for October. Mentoring starts right away. We’ll schedule your Welcome Strategy Call as soon as you register.