Have you ever found yourself listening to one of those infomercials and being truly captivated by the message even though in your head you might have thought, “This is so hokey. They’re really embellishing how difficult it is to clean with a regular mop?”
Just as that thought pops into your head, they make several practical points and you find yourself pulling out your credit card to buy it. Afterward, you’re really excited and can’t wait to receive your new product.
Why did that happen? They focused on the struggles that you identified with and, more importantly, showed you how their product or system was the unique solution to your problems.
I invite you to consider that you could learn a lot from that infomercial. When you focus on your signature asset, there are many benefits. When you speak, demonstrate, or write about your signature program, process or method:
•You develop trust because you provide a well thought-out solution to their problems;
•You create a higher perceived value with your system because you can provide a shortcut for them; and
•You increase your brand awareness.
Additionally, from your signature program, system, process, or method, you construct a foundation of content that you can then develop into multiple income streams, integrate into your marketing or develop into signature speaking topics. Clients are drawn to you like a magnet because your system is easily understood and you gave them a pathway to making their life a whole lot easier.
If you’re inspired to create your signature program, process, system or method, join us for Create Your Signature Program May 19-20, 2022 at https://www.excellerateassociates.com/create-your-signature-program