There’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning realizing you created a successful business but it is taking over your life. You get caught up in the excitement of launching your latest project or marketing tactic only to realize you have to keep it going consistently for it to attract clients.
That’s where having a formalized referral system and automation comes in handy. One of colleagues my colleagues, Lynn Drake of Compass Commercial, has an effective and formalized way of staying top of mind with her referral sources.
She sends her referral sources a card on how she has helped other clients with finding office space while educating us on her business. She does this regularly using SendOut Cards to systematize and automate the process. I enjoy receiving her cards because they often have a motivational message on the front.
As her referral source, her cards prompt me to consider who I may have met recently that might need her services. I use SendOut Cards to send out reminders to my clients and to also stay in touch with my referral sources.
The other benefit to sending regular updates to your referral sources is that you keep your database up to date. If you have any cards that are returned, then you know your referral sources may have moved and it’s time to update your system.
When you use a systematic approach, that is, you or your assistant set up the regular communication so it goes out automatically, you free up your time and energy. The process to create a systematic process is simple:
1. Identify your referral sources or partners.
2. Continuously nurture your referral network. This is accomplished through regular networking, individual meetings and giving referrals.
3. Set regular intervals to keep in touch with your referrals. The key to getting great referrals is regularly keeping your referral sources apprised of your business. Determine how often you will keep in touch with your referral sources and set up your SendOut Cards system to launch it at those times.
Still sending out cards the traditional way? That still works, too. Simply use the recurring feature on your calendar to set a quarterly reminder to send out your cards.
When sending an update to your referral sources, keep in mind your other marketing campaigns you have planned throughout the year. Is there a launch of a special workshop or meeting you can also include in the update to your referral sources? If so, include those updates in the quarterly messages.
When you reshape the way you work with a systems mindset, you will increase your profitability and grow your business with greater efficiency and ease.
Systems give you freedom. Put one business system in place this week and watch what happens.
Discover the 7 systems every business owner should have their eye on to increase their profitability at the Wake Up Profitable April 28-29, 2015 in Honolulu, Hawaii or
Attend our next Profitability Lab: Introduction at