The new year is often a signal to set new goals and create new outcomes. Goals give your business and life direction and boost your motivation.
Let’s face it, when you create goals that are a stretch, the reality you’re living in doesn’t always match up. There’s a gap.
That gap naturally creates breakdowns. The most recent breakdown happened to be January 17.
What was January 17, you ask? That day is dubbed Ditch Your Resolution Day.
It turns out that 91 percent of Americans fail to keep their resolutions. Just weeks into the new year and the majority of people are already giving up.
Consider that if you didn’t create a goal that took you beyond your current skill level, you wouldn’t experience these break downs. You are presented with a new opportunity to develop, to go beyond what you think you know, to boldly become what it takes to fulfill on that goal.
Break downs are opportunities. You can disempower yourself by trying to fix what is wrong. Focusing on what is wrong or what needs to be fixed may be entertaining, but it is not in the spirit of effective leadership.
Effective leaders create new opportunities, magnificent possibilities, and desired outcomes. They continuously communicate the vision and instill that vision in others. They honor their word. They practice what they teach.
Will you back down from any one of your promises because you’re experiencing a break down? Or, will you restore your promise and be in action consistent with your desired future?
Even in what could be the messiness of all break downs, choose powerfully. Fulfill on your promises. Honor your word. Choose to take action consistent with the desired future instead of the circumstance.
Every step of the way through a breakdown ask yourself, who do I need to be to fulfill on my agreement, the desired future, or the ideal outcome?
Then be it.