You have an opportunity to make a significant contribution in the world. Because of your unique life experiences and how you are naturally wired, you have a perspective and an approach that has never been experienced quite like you see it.
And, this fundamentally special idea that you have created contributes to the world. It contributes in a unique way that serves many people.
Perhaps you talk yourself out of acting on your idea because there are other ideas very similar to it. Consider these two ideas:
While we have many hotels, someone had the idea to give people additional overnight stay options. Airbnb was born. While we have taxi services, someone took picking up someone at the airport to a new level. Uber was born.
In each of these examples, what’s interesting is that there is a ripple effect. Many people benefit. The originators of these ideas benefit, the people offering their cars or homes benefit and the people being served these options benefit.
Ask yourself:
What is your unique contribution to the world and who are all of the people in the world who will benefit from it?
Then, act on it.
The world is waiting for your idea…