One of the first steps to creating a successful business venture is to bring a concept to a reality. Before you know it, you’re creating momentum and bringing on new team members.
You have taken the steps to becoming a powerful leader. You even figure some things out along the way about yourself and get comfortable that you’re at the peak of your leadership.
You are planning your work and working your plan. You commit to stretch yourself knowing you can take on more.
At some point, though, money starts getting tight. While your cash flow stabilizes your expenses have increased. You’re starting to experience growing pains. Stress levels are high and your visions don’t materialize as quickly has you planned.
It’s easy to let your emotions get the best of you. You start to second guess yourself for taking a risk, kick yourself for adding expenses by hiring additional team members, or make decisions in desperation considering only the short term instant solution that solves a temporary problem but aren’t considering the long-term gain.
Remember, you can only take your team to the level at which you are personally willing to go. Take a breath and remind yourself of the leader you are and the leader you are being called to be.
It’s in the moments of breakdowns you are called to a stronger-level of leadership. The bigger the breakdown, the bigger leap you will make in your leadership.
In that moment you have a choice: to back down and go to what is comfortable or move ahead. You are being called to take on more than you have ever taken on.
When you decide to make a big contribution in the world, it won’t always be an easy path. Remember that you’re being called to step into that contribution.
If your website crashes before a big launch, you lose a major book of business, or your funding dries up, guide your team through the process with peace and ease. As a leader, this will be as challenging as it is important.
If you expect your team to perform, you will need to lead by example. There is no greater motivation than to see the person in charge modeling strong leadership behavior.
You know all of that overwhelm or breakdowns you’re experiencing? You’re just being called to be a stronger leader. Work through it with grace because on the other side is where you will find your greatest leadership victory.