Research shows that growth-mindset firms have happier employees and a more innovative, risk-taking culture than companies with fixed mindset. Studies also find that the way you start your day can be the most important indicator of how you spend the rest of your day. It’s an integral inner system that influences your outcomes.
The problem is that many business professionals start with good intentions to create a mindset system but then slack off. Like starting any new habit, it takes intentionality and commitment to have it become part of your daily routine and integrated into your company culture.
Your Inner Mindset System
It’s important to notice if you’re speaking into a fixed mindset or a growth mindset, which can be very subtle. For example, you might say, “nobody listens to me,” or “what else can happen (when there are a series of breakdowns.)” This negative or self-limiting messaging is creating your world.
If you find yourself in this mindset system, there is good news. You can shift it.
The first step is to integrate your new mindset system and messaging into your daily routine.
If you have a morning routine, like getting on a treadmill or engaging in your daily yoga, use that as an opportunity to shift your messaging. Instead of “Nobody listens to me” say “I am articulate and people listen”. Instead of “what else can happen” say “I invite exciting and positive opportunities into my life.”
It doesn’t end there, however. Like any system, it takes consistent action steps to reinforce it.
Make Mindset Systems Part of Your Company’s Culture
As a leader, when you set your own growth mindset system, it puts a level of integrity when you integrate it into your company’s culture. If you hear nothing but bad news at every meeting, it’s time to start each meeting with intentions.
If you’re one of the leaders who says “what else can happen, start shifting your mindset with “I invite exciting and positive opportunities into my life.” Then, take an action consistent with the growth mindset by make sure the first item on your meeting agent invites your team to share what they have accomplished to move their goals forward and set an intention for how the day will go.
By consistently engaging in these mindset systems and taking action consistent with the positive outcome you want to see, notice what begins to transform.
If you’ve gotten out of the habit of setting your intentions and declaring what you want to have happen, it might be a good time to get back on track. Don’t you think?