If you’re in business, you have something to offer. You are also selling something whether it is an idea, a product, or a service. Hearing a no in sales often stops business leaders in their tracks.
Getting stopped in your tracks might look like you overthinking what went wrong, you get upset, or you get down on yourself and your team. This often goes on for more than a day.
Let’s face it, nobody likes rejection. However, there is a biological reaction that occurs when you hear the word no. If your biological wiring measures higher in autonomy, the more the word no motivates you to get more sales. The lower the autonomy the more no discourages you. It is just what is happening in the background. Just notice it and understand it.
Couple that biological dynamic with how no’s take on many forms. An outright verbal or written no is easy to recognize. More often, it shows up when your calls aren’t returned, they unsubscribe, or they tell you, they’ll do it later. Sometimes these no’s are disguised as no but are no’s for now. Sometimes these no’s require consistency on your part and sometimes something is missing.
It can be mind boggling to figure it out. If you’re getting stopped by no, consider two things: reframe it, and ask yourself what’s missing.
Reframe It
Consider that a no is a powerful catalyst for moving your business ahead. It also may create an opportunity for openings that are coming your way but that you can’t see yet.
What’s Missing
If a no is stopping you, consider that something is missing. For many business owners, they are missing a Lead Generation System. A Lead Generation System generates a consistent flow of new prospects. Once they have a steady stream, they actually look forward to the no as it moves them with speed onto the next. If you don’t have enough in your pipeline, you’re hanging on for dear life because you don’t have the volume.
Sales prioritization of qualified leads is missing. If you’re getting a lot of rejections, consider that you may need to prioritize your leads. You may be spinning your wheels with people who are too early in the buying decision. A system that evaluates and scores your leads can make a real difference in prioritizing your leads.
Congruence might also be missing. Congruence in sales takes on many forms, like are they your ideal client, are they willing, are they able, is there alignment, and is your messaging on point. This incongruence gets in the way of a yes.
If you’re playing a big game, then there will be a no each day. Embrace the no. A resilient leader knows that a no is clearing the way for new opportunities.
P.S. If you need to Prioritize Your Leads, join me for a high-value webinar: Sales Prioritization: Scoring Leads to Gain the Most Revenue Fast on Tuesday, December 6 at 1 p.m. Eastern hosted by Lorman. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER NOW.