Does this sound familiar?
You know you need to complete that task, but it seems so time consuming you don’t start it. You find something else to do.
The next day, you revisit the task; and, again, think it will take a lot of time, which you don’t seem to have. So, you put it off some more.
You know you need to complete it and have that drive for making sure it’s done to perfection. And, that perfection takes a lot of time, which you don’t have.
You convince yourself you must complete another priority first. You open up yet another task but haven’t started the first one.
It’s the completion demon.
Often times, it comes down to your natural wiring. In this case, my business mentoring client was wired with a high degree of certainty, which drives her for perfection.
Her drive for perfection drove her to delay even starting the task. In her mind she saw the task as all consuming.
We looked at how the task occurred to her through the lens of her hardwiring. She thought that she needed to accomplish the task in one sitting. This viewpoint was holding her back.
When she shifted the way the task occurred to her, she realized she didn’t have to complete the task in one long sitting. She tackled it in short sessions.
The task was started. The completion demon was conquered.
What’s underneath your procrastination?