Business owners have a reputation for being workaholics. Somewhere along their journey, they forget to have fun. You get bogged down with details or simply get burned out. You don’t think you can go on vacation because something will be missed or you’ll lose out on an opportunity.
I get it. Your business is like your baby. You worked hard at nurturing it and don’t want anything to happen to it while you’re gone.
Consider that when you don’t take a break, you run the risk of losing your drive. You also fail at the very lifestyle you envisioned having as an entrepreneur.
One of my Profitability Lab clients, Tamara Jaros, President of Spark Your Leads, said that she wanted it all. She wants a successful business and have her family stay the priority.
For many business owners, they simply don’t have a framework that supports having all of their goals work. What is often the case is that they don’t have a way to realize their personal goals.
She was relieved to find that there is a way to make it all work. We started with listing all of her goals through four filters. One of the filters was her Internal Filter, that is, what’s important to her and her family. “I want to create memorable moments with my family,” she said.
First, we reverse engineered all of her goals, aligned them with her contribution, and mapped them into her Business Blueprint. She has a roadmap that focuses on the very outcomes she wants to see in her life, not just her business.
To make her goals a reality, it was also important to have her Blueprint structured in such a way that was in alignment with her natural wiring. Otherwise, the framework of the Blueprint would be just another tool that doesn’t get used. She planned out her breaks from the business so that she could be fully present with her family. She also pre-programmed her systems so they did the heavy lifting during her time off.
Taking breaks away from the business creates opportunities to connect with family, find new solutions to nagging problems, spark your creativity, and get you through mental blocks.
When taking a break, notice what is created in the space of fun. Fun forges strong relationships from those shared experiences.
When returning from your break, consider bringing play into your workplace. Adding that fun goes a long way to making your company the place people want to be.
Join us for our complimentary teleseminar:
Relationship Marketing
Know Yourself. Know Your Network
Thursday, July 28, 2016
8:30 pm Eastern (7:30 pm Central, 6:30 pm Mountain, 5:30 pm Pacific)
Old school methods of high-pressured sales tactics and push marketing simply don’t work anymore – and they are outdated.
If you want to crack the code on enrolling more clients that feels authentic, then this session is for you.