There are all kinds of marketing systems you can set up for your business. One of those systems involve video marketing.
Before you press the play button on your video, you want to identify how it fits into your overall strategy. There may be a number of reasons to include video marketing, including increase brand awareness, feature a service, or provide content to your prospects to highlight your expertise.
When you deliver simple, implementable tips to your prospects and they see the value you provide, you will be top of mind when they are ready to use your services.
Often times, however, business owners get stuck in getting started with video marketing. They get stuck in what to say, how to say it, and have a limiting belief that it may take too much time.
Here’s the reality: be yourself, keep it simple, and create a system around it. When you do, you’ll be up and running in no time.
To show you how simple it is to start implementing a video marketing system that keeps in touch with your prospects, I visited one of my clients, Michael Burkey of Michigan Dog Training, who owns a second-stage business.
Armed with a simple flip camera, I asked him to give me one quick tip about training your dog from jumping up on you or your visitors. Before we started filming, I reminded him to:
- Introduce himself
- Keep the video to 2-4 minutes
- Keep the tip simple and implementable
In a few minutes, he developed a quick tip to present to his prospects. When you develop your own video marketing, you will be able to demonstrate the value of your services in a powerful way and your videos will establish rapport with your prospects helping you to get more clients. For Success Circle Members, tap into the Video Library for six more tips on Video Marketing Systems.