Last week I had the best time with my high-level mastermind pals. We attended the Open House for Sharon McRill, CEO of The Betty Brigade. Because her business is booming, she opened a brand new office. We’re all so very thrilled for Sharon’s success.
Speaking of growing businesses, you may recall last week when I mentioned my article that was published by bizymoms.com, a website that caters to women business owners (who are also moms).
Today, BestLifeDesign.com also featured one of my articles, Ask Powerfully and Precisely To Get More Clients. Getting clients through referrals is important for any small business owner’s success. At times, however, small business owners make it difficult for others to give them referrals. In today’s business growth article, I reveal three strategies to make it super easy for others to send business your way and grow your client list. You can read the article in its entirety below. Enjoy!
By the way, I have a couple of upcoming events to help you grow your business this year and would love for you to join me:
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time
TELESEMINAR: REVEALED! High-Content, Powerful, No-and-Low-Cost Press Release Strategies with my special guest, Copywriting Strategist, Lisa Manyon!
Whether it is your sales page or your press release, your messages have to grab the reader’s attention. Copywriting Strategist, Lisa Manyon, reveals what you need to have in your press releases to get noticed, get published, and get your prospects to take action.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Michigan Business and Professional Association – Livonia, MI
Many small business owners are implementing outdated push-selling techniques and are not pre-qualifying their prospects resulting in lackluster results. Learn my secret system to close deals 98% of the time. Register today.
Thursday, August 18
5 p.m. Eastern Time
I just got off the phone with my good friend, Jared Sparr, a Master Agent and PCI Compliance Expert. We talked about how small business owners, despite their best efforts, are out of compliance in their credit card processing. Our conversation was extremely enlightening so I asked Jared to share his insider secrets to my community. He’s going to be my guest on my Monthly Business Growth Teleseminar to reveal what you can do to be credit card compliant (and how to save big on your credit card processing.)
Did you know that 4 out of 5 merchants are paying for PCI Compliance fees and don’t need to? As a small business owner, it’s important that you know about PCI Compliance and it’s even more important to find out where you may be paying a lot more for credit card processing and compliance than you need to. (It impacts so much of your business!)
This is a one-time only event, so you’ve got to be registered to get this information. Register Today to Reserve Your Spot!
See you there!
Create a great life,
Lisa Mininni
P.S. Did you catch my 5 part video series at www.getmoreclientsnowvideos.com?
Ask Powerfully and Precisely To Get More Clients
Did you know there is a way of asking for referrals that literally makes or breaks your ability to get more?
Sadly, many self-employed professionals don’t realize this. As a result, they let referrals slip through their fingers even though they are doing a lot of networking. Often unaware of it, they lose out on opportunities to receive referrals.
Why? Because they are not confidently asking or are not crystal clear on what they want.
To avoid letting your referrals slip through your fingers, you need to ask powerfully and precisely for exactly what you want. This will reassure your referral partners about who you work with. They will gladly send you referrals when they see that you are sure of yourself. If you leave someone questioning whether you are good at what you do or who you best serve, they will send their referrals to someone else.
A few months back, I was attending a high-level networking roundtable with many profitable business owners in attendance. I met a woman who spoke confidently and projected enthusiasm in describing her services. I learned that she had also been in business less than one month.
When someone asked her to introduce herself to the roundtable, explain her services, and to describe her ideal client, she started out confidently detailing her business-to-business services. Then something changed.
When she got to the point of describing her ideal client, this woman’s behavior changed very quickly. She looked away and her eyes darted back and forth as if she was searching for the right words. After composing herself, she started with “I think what I want is…” Her voice suddenly became lower and she was no longer confident.
Right then and there, with just two words “I think,” she lost the opportunity for thousands of dollars worth of business. I knew by the way she lacked confidence and specifics, attendees were going to wait to refer her business. She had simply not convinced others to refer people to her.
This is a common mistake new business owners make and why polishing your client profile is so important. The next time you’re asked about your business, remember these three tips:
- Your referrals want to work with people who convey confidence in their services and are specific about who they work with. When asked to introduce yourself, don’t supply a laundry list of services you provide. Look people in the eye, project enthusiasm and keep your message about your services concise and consistent.
- Speak with certainty. When asked who makes a good referral for you, stay clear of words such as, “I think what I want is…” Instead, start with, “I am looking for…” or “a good referral is…”
- Be exact. If you start out with, “I’m looking for anyone who…” you’re casting too wide a net for your referral sources to picture your ideal client. Instead, be specific. “I work with chiropractors.” Titles or other demographics paint a picture in your referral’s mind so that when they meet your ideal client, they will instantly think of you.
Attend networking venues regularly so that people get to know you. Share successes that your clients achieved by working with you so that you establish credibility. As you invest time in preparing for your networking and projecting exactly who you work with and what you do, you will notice how effortlessly referrals come to you.
If you just don’t know how to select a niche and describe your ideal client, we have to change that right away. My own step-by-step process is all laid out and available through my Preferred Client ProfileTM which shows you how to target your ideal client and is part of her sought-after Entrepreneurial Edge System Biz Boost Self-Study ProgramTM Visit http://www.entrepreneurialedgesystem.com to start growing your business with less effort so you have more time to enjoy it all. Make this your best year yet.
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