Over the years, my clients have become savvy marketers because they understand one major contributor to successfully attracting clients that rarely anyone addresses: how to effectively deliver messages based on how the other person wants to receive their information.
One of the filters in the decision-making process my students discover involves a person’s natural hardwiring. Hardwiring is natural to who you are and reveals how you like to give and receive your information. You will communicate the way you like to receive your information, too. If you are hardwired to want to see tangible results, you will focus on tangible results and talk in bullet points using concise language. If you like to give a lot of detailed explanations, you need a lot of information to make a decision. If you talk aloud to generate ideas, you often prefer face-to-face communication because you enjoy the external interaction you get from others.
When you’re under stress, you will revert back to your natural hardwiring. For many entrepreneurs the sales process is a stressful event. If this is the case for you, when talking to a prospect you will tend to deliver information the way you are naturally hardwired which may not be the way your prospect wants to receive their information.
Through my self-study programs, one of my clients not only recognized how to manage his natural hardwiring but became very skillful in recognizing how his prospects wanted to receive their information (and the type of information). He regularly converted prospects to clients until one day when he didn’t give enough information to someone who innately needed a lot details before making their decision. The prospect left his office missing answers to his questions and didn’t sign up.
My client immediately recognized what happened in the process. My client was hardwired for instant results and presented information to his prospect very quickly. His prospect was more methodical. What were the behavioral cues that led him to this conclusion? His prospect was asking a lot of questions, his pace was calculated and methodical, and he was more formal in his presentation style. Once the prospect left, my client immediately recognized that he didn’t give his prospect enough time to get his questions answered and he presented the information too fast.
Whether you’re meeting in person or crafting your marketing messages, consider these communication tips:
Words matter. Depending on the attributes of your ideal client, words are important. When my client wanted to attract her ideal client, she made a list of all of the attributes describing her ideal clients. She noticed similarities in her clients, specifically, that were focused on and that they needed to see tangible results. So, she used percentages or other factual data where possible in her marketing materials and focused on outcomes. Additionally, she used specific words that described the attributes of her ideal clients. They were drawn to the messages because the words were a spot on match to how her clients would describe themselves and the kind of information they would be drawn to. The right words not only helped to attract the right people, but saved her time and effort because she helped her prospects instantly pre-qualify themselves through her marketing messages.
Use all Communication Channels. One of the most misunderstood or ignored parts of creating successful messaging is to use different mediums when communicating.
Mediums include electronic mail, video, and visual aids. The reason you want to use a mix of mediums is that people are drawn to receiving information in different ways.
Some people need to see tangible items, such as graphs, percentages or statistics in writing while others want to see information through video. Some people want to receive their information face-to-face and have dialog about it while others need to think about it and process it. When you have a crafted client profile, you instantly spot how they like to receive their information and use that specific medium to communicate with them.
Use Targeted Formats. When you know how your ideal clients like to receive their information, you are better equipped to create mesmerizing messages that match your market. But what happens after you complete your client profile and discover that you have clients with a wide variety of hardwiring? Simple. Use a format that speaks to all different types of hardwiring.
- Include an Executive Summary in written communication. This is especially attractive to results-oriented individuals who are drawn to bullet pointed and summary information. The summary should include no more than three to five critical points. Individuals who are resulted oriented and are hardwired to receive their information quickly will scan the bullet points.
- Expand on those three to five critical points for individuals who need a lot of information before deciding. They will tend to read the entire copy. Include detail necessary for each of those points to be implemented or to make their decision.
- Use a variety of mediums. Prospects who like their information face to face will be drawn to video. Include the video on a blog to give them an opportunity to express their ideas in writing after viewing your video.
To get the entrepreneurial edge in today’s marketplace, get started with this assignment:
- List the attributes of your ideal clients. Notice how they like to receive their information. Do they need:
Their information quickly or are they more methodical?
A lot of information and ask a lot of questions, or do they prefer bulleted information?
To think about their decisions or talk about their decisions? - Use a mix of mediums keeping track of your conversion rates.
- Experiment with key words that describe your ideal clients in your marketing copy so that your prospects identify and connect with the message.
- Track your results on what marketing copy and/or medium is the most successful.
In a short period of time, you’ll start to attract your preferred clients with less effort. You will notice how stronger your marketing messages are and find they bring in more of your preferred clients.
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