Systems give you freedom. Shift a Belief System this week and watch what happens.
@lisamininni [Tweet this]
You said it.
And, quite frankly, it’s an excuse…
“I don’t have time.”
It’s BS really. A Belief System.
A belief system is something you establish. It can work for you or be self limiting. Let’s face it. We all have 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Yes, some things take more time than we allot, we have unexpected stuff happen, and we have commitments to fulfill. The reality is, you and you alone determine your schedule.
You determine your:
- Boundaries
- Priorities
- Decisions
The next time you’re tempted to say, “I don’t have time” ask yourself, how could I accomplish this? You may have to set a boundary, identify your priorities, or make a decision.
You may also want to:
Ask for help. If you’re doing everything yourself, discover the freedom that comes from letting go. When you enroll others in the solution, you expand your capacity for miracles in your life.
Automate a process. It may be as simple as having your bills automatically deducted from your account or streamline an existing manual process.
Teach others what you know. When you give others an opportunity to step up, you not only learn a new skill of delegating, you allow others to expand their capacity.
See how one shift in a belief system can have a trickle effect?
Systems give you freedom. Shift a Belief System this week and watch what happens.
I don’t have time is really an excuse others use because they don’t want to do things or they thing they can’t accomplish it. I agree that we should change our belief system and look on the more positive side of things. Instead of saying we don’t have time, let us think of ways how we can accomplish it.