When you are bored in your business, it’s rarely because there’s nothing interesting to do. It’s likely that you told yourself there’s nothing interesting left to do.
While on a call with my Excellerate Success Institute clients, we explored the 12 top fears of an entrepreneur. One of interesting subsets we reflected on, boredom, came while covering the fear of success.
How is it that boredom comes from fear of success? Boredom can be an excuse to give up or move on keeping you from the success you deeply desire.
Have you considered that you may not have fully explored the full contribution you can make through the work you do?
If you’re feeling bored in your business, remind yourself of the exciting times in your business. List specifically what was exciting for you.
Once you have your list, ask yourself: What are things you haven’t completed in your field of expertise that would be exciting?
When you ask yourself a question, your brain searches for an answer. This process taps into your creative side.
While you’re tapping into your creative side, consider the “and” solution. This is a concept in my book Me, Myself, and Why.
Here’s how it works. Most of the time, you may look at this “or” that. Instead, ask yourself:
• What concepts products or services you could be combined to create something that has never been done in your area of expertise?
• What new ways could you deliver your services? Even though you may deliver your services in person perhaps you could expand your reach by delivering your services online, too.
• What existing product or service could you connect? This may include tapping into a product or service that is complementary. You may partner with a referral source that would be a natural source to generate leads.
When you take responsibility for finding an answer, you start opening up the creative space for new, exciting ideas. Try it and watch what shows up.
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