At the beginning of each year, along with my Success Institute clients, we set both professional and personal goals and put it in our respective Business Blueprints. This year was no different.
When I set one particular personal goal early this year, I realized it may be a stretch for me. I took it on anyway. It was my big hairy audacious goal.
While I met my other goals, I didn’t meet this one particular goal. It was a personal goal that is important to me. Yet, it’s a goal that I set year after year only making incremental progress.
What’s the outcome I wanted?
I wanted to lose 50 pounds. I set a plan in motion and didn’t follow it.
Here’s the best thing about going after this goal this year. I’m unattached.
Not detached.
I didn’t feel bad for not meeting it. I simply distinguished what it means to be in the realm of performance.
When in performance, either you meet the measures or you don’t. Yet, it’s easy to attach a judgement and get down on ourselves, make excuses, or cast blame when measure aren’t met.
On the surface, some of these excuses could be legitimate, like my treadmill broke and I didn’t get a new one for over 60 days. That’s certainly a reason maybe even a legitimate one.
The bottom line is that I didn’t meet my measure.
Plain and simple.
Nothing more, nothing less.
So I can show up explaining my reasons or acknowledge that I didn’t achieve the goal and move ahead. Olympic athletes don’t stay in the world of reasons for long if they want to achieve their performance goals. They wipe off the dirt when they fall, re-focus, and try a different approach.
You may have experienced the same thing. Maybe you don’t set a goal because you know you’ll get down on yourself for not achieving it. Maybe you think having goals is too restrictive. Maybe you believe that you’ll get overwhelmed if you set goals.
What if you just set the goal and are in action to achieve it…
…without upset if you don’t achieve it
…without getting down on yourself
…without making excuses
…without fear
What if you set your big harry audacious goals…
…with peace and ease
…with complete accountability
…with power, creativity, and ingenuity
Imagine what would be possible for you.
I’m game to try again.
Are you?
Lynne Quintana says
True…a big realization…the learning from something one failed to achieve…food for thought.