As one of my clients read her email, she saw a notification from an employee. A few seconds later, another notification from the same employee.
Then another.
Then another.
What’s happening here? “Why is this employee sending me rapid-fire emails?” she thought.
“What is this employee’s wiring?” she asked aloud.
As my clients discover, wiring provides insights and answers to the ‘why’ questions. To go a step further, ‘how’ wiring influences an individual’s actions eliminates the mystery in understanding why people do what they do.
With this distinctive knowledge of someone’s wiring, you are able to:
- Clearly and confidently communicate naturally with anybody
- Equip yourself with a framework giving you access to operate effectively as a team and an organization
- Appreciate what matters to the other person, how they communicate, and what they need.
My client knew that her employee was naturally wired with a high amount of communication; in other words, she was an external thinker. Her employee seeks opportunities to connect with others.
The employee innately needs to verbalize to crystallize thoughts. She was not getting that need met so she resorted to rapid-fire emails.
My client also understands that this individual needs to verbally bounce ideas off of others to formalize and finalize her own thoughts. With external thinkers, there is a dual process that happens.
They cast their thoughts aloud and respond to the reactions received from others. This helps them to develop the idea and weigh the merits of their idea or concept.
When little or no response is received from the other person, this motivates them to repeat, restate or break down the idea further to the listener. They want to ensure that their concept is fully understood and that a personal connection has been made to prompt a listener response. They will also tend to be sensitive to silent gaps in conversation, body language or reactions that are not in tune to the situation or circumstance.
To optimize this person’s natural wiring, my client went to see the employee to give her an opportunity to verbalize what she was thinking. Face-to-face communication also allowed her employee to get an innate need met making for a more productive interaction.
To get your own hardwiring report and learn how to align your work environment with how you naturally execute, join us for the:
Wired to Win Workshop
August 12 – 13, 2016 at Excellerate Associates in Canton, Michigan
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