Have you thought about the impact you want your business to have in the next three years? Are you clear about your main objectives are at work? Do you know what you want to achieve by the end of today?
If you answered no to one or more of these questions, you’re not alone. Most people claim to understand the importance of goal setting so that they improve their life and their business, but, some studies suggest that over 80 percent of people never set goals for themselves.
With over 30 years assisting business professionals in setting goals, I’ve come to one certain conclusion about goal setting. Goal setting is both an art and a science.
Goal setting doesn’t simply mean putting a goal on paper, setting a date for completion, and marking off tasks when they are complete. This approach to goal setting actually hinders people from success.
Setting a goal is about who you need to be to meet that goal. Goals show the world who you want to become and what you want to achieve.
Setting goals is also about being crystal clear in your end game. It needs to be something you can visualize and enroll others in. Without a clear view, you’ll be forever changing course and falling short of your potential. As a leader, if you’re not crystal clear about your goals, you will also fall short of keeping others engaged in playing full out.
Setting goals is not complete without an existence system to move the goals from concept to reality. Here’s where the science (or, more specifically, the biology) of goal setting comes in. The road map needs to be set up with how you and each of your team members naturally execute. Everyone will execute plans based on their individual and distinct human wiring.
Some of my business mentoring clients are wired to need a one-page road map with a general direction while others need detailed steps. It’s not enough to know how you and your team naturally execute, but also how to use tools and processes that work in alignment with how you and they achieve their goals.
So you can see, goal setting is both an art and a science. What action will you take today to crystallize your goals this year?
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