You’ve heard this advice: As the leader of your company, the ability to visualize and articulate a future state for your company is a vital component of your success. So, you created a vision and values and hung them on the wall.
Merely creating a poster of your vision and values doesn’t work at creating a Culture of DistinctionTM. If you’ve done any research on the current workforce, you’ll discover that actively incorporating your company’s vision and values is increasingly important in keeping today’s workforce engaged.
I frequently hear from Alumni of our Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners on the way having an incorporated vision and values effects their team’s performance. Our framework shows business owners ways to align their purpose, mission, vision, and Contribution in the World. With a foundational alignment, you and your team become clear about the steps to achieve your vision and that vision has an impact in the world, which we call your Contribution in the World.
People who commit to their vision realize that they must change their actions in order to actualize it. They absorb their vision at a level where it changes their actions and the way they view the world.
Incorporating their vision and values changes their decision making and performance level. They are armed with a framework that focuses on what’s most important, use it to overcome daily circumstances with increased levels of personal power, and it reinforces the company’s culture.
For example, Zappos, the online shoe and clothing company, has had many articles written about ways they integrate their company’s vision – to give the best customer service possible. It’s more than words on a poster.
When someone delivers excellent customer service, that person rings a bell and everyone celebrates. It serves as a reminder of the power of one employee and the company’s vision in action.
While ringing a bell might not work for your unique company, in many ways, the incorporated action exemplifies the Zappos culture. The action focuses and celebrates customer service excellence.
Your vision becomes the future place you desire to live. It becomes a foundation for your company’s decisions. When incorporated, it reinforces ideal behavior. For a business owner who is scaling their business, incorporating company values can be especially beneficial in attracting ideal clients and high-performing team members.
If you don’t have a vision for your company, take the first step. Select your top 5-7 values essential for the long-term success of your company. Develop a vision statement that incorporates those key values.
If you would like an easy framework to develop your vision, pick up Me, Myself, and Why? The Secrets to Navigating Change on Amazon.
If you would like to take the next step and learn ways to purposefully integrate your vision and intentionally scale your business, register for the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners on October 4-5, 2018 at the Business Innovation Lab in Livonia, Michigan. Early registration tuition ends August 31, 2018.
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