If 2020 taught me anything, it is this: The power of being unattached. Unattached to my version of what something should look like. Unattached to a timeframe. Unattached to what may unfold. Unattached my viewpoint.
I’m not talking about being disconnected, rather the distinction of being independent of the outcome. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in how something should look or take it as a personal affront if it doesn’t turn out the way we planned or wanted.
When being attached, we fail to receive:
-The beautiful talent someone else can bring
-An expanded version of our vision
-The opportunity that is available for our personal development
As a goal setter even at a young age, I would be attached to something happening a certain way by a certain time. As a business professional, what I learned through the years is that rigid attachment to timeframes created stress on me and on others, especially when those timeframes were unrealistic. I became attached. I attached meaning to those timeframes about my own leadership.
Can you relate?
I’m not suggesting to never set timeframes. I’m inviting you to consider duality: being intentional and playing full out. Yet, at the same time, as a leader, being unattached. Being bold yet inquisitive. Bold to be a stand for something yet inquisitive as a leader to adjust a timeframe when needed.
In your inquisitiveness, perhaps allowing for a possibility that when you are unattached and allow others to contribute their talent or their viewpoint, you might realize a better outcome sooner.
You’re not alone if you don’t want to set goals because of who you feel you become when trying to reach them. I invite you to consider what might be possible for you in 2021 if you expanded your leadership way-of-being: being bold and unattached? Being intentional and unattached? Creating a vision and being unattached to what unfolds?
Freedom and ease? Perhaps.
ENCORE PRESENTATION: Get Your Goals in Gear – Tuesday, January 19, 2021
In case you missed my holiday gift for you, I’m holding a LIVE encore presentation of Get Your Goals in Gear on Tuesday, January 19, 2021!
Even with all of the uncertainty, it is possible to create a strategy and a plan for 2021. I encourage you to join me for a complimentary, inspiration-infused online class, Get Your Goals in Gear on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 from 12-1:30 pm Eastern Time.
In this class, you will:
-Create a holistic, workable plan that expands your view of what’s possible
-Authentically engage your team that sparks inspired action
-Develop an accountability system that gives you freedom and peace of mind
If you’re inspired to start 2021 strong, register for Get Your Goals in Gear today at: https://excellerateassociates.com/goals-in-gear/. Have a friend who is interested in starting 2021 strong? Feel free to share it with them, too.
I wish you and yours a happy, healthy, and restful New Year!
Create a great life,
Lisa Mininni
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