In any workplace, there will be a degree of disagreements or drama. This often plays out in unnecessary remarks, withholding information, or complaining.
As a business leader, distinguishing what is versus getting caught up in the emotional entanglement of what’s happening, can be a challenge. When I refer to what is, I do not mean the often resigned expression of “it is what it is.”
“It is what is,” is just that. It is. It exists.
Until you are with “what is,” it can be challenging to be fully present with anyone or any situation. While you’re distinguishing it is what is, begin to notice.
Noticing is important to leading effectively. Notice how situations occur to you. Notice how your natural wiring is triggered by events. Notice who you are choosing to be in the situation. Notice if you’re adding a story, interpretation, or judgment to what is.
Ask yourself, “what is.” Simply state, “what is” objectively and factually. Consider that when you can distinguish what is, this is where your peace of mind and personal transformation as a leader resides.
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