Ask any business professional what their biggest challenge right now and the likely response is: hiring. According to research, with the voluntary resignation rate at over 25 percent than pre-pandemic levels, openings likely will not return to normal levels for some time.
The pandemic gave people time to reevaluate what they want from their career, their life, and their lifestyle. People are starting their own businesses, setting up a phased retirement, switching jobs, or changing careers altogether.
To successfully navigate this new playing field, leaders must be proactive on ways to best engage employees. To do this, employers must understand more than just the common themes about what their team values most, like flexibility, benefits, and strong leadership.
Employers must look at the hidden motivators that keep people in jobs and the demotivators that drive workers to look for other opportunities. If you are not investing in career and personal development, you’re company will continue to burn and churn.
It’s one thing to invest in a career skill set. It’s a deeper value if you’re investing in your team in the very personal skills that will prepare them for leadership advancement and improve a skill that benefits them in all areas of their life, not just on the job.
Leadership is more than just a title. What the pandemic has left in its wake is a geographically disbursed team. Your employees may be stepping into informal leadership roles. Without personal development training, they might not have learned how to be an effective leader.
This makes having everyone in your organization understand each person’s unique motivators (which are found in human wiring) more important than ever so that your company becomes the:
-Best place to work
-Company that has careers that play to your employee’s strengths
-Company that has a culture that cares about its employees
Today’s Challenge (if you choose to take it on):
What is one action you can take to improve your leadership or company’s culture?
If you’re inspired to learn about your innate human wiring so you can align your work environment with what keeps you motivated, check out our video at
Then, join us for Wired to Win 101: How Are You Hardwired on Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Registration for this class ends on Thursday, March 9, 2023.
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