Business Owner Bond and Brainstorm Event (BOBB)
Welcome to the Business Owner Bond and Brainstorm Event
Hosted by Excellerate Associates at The Business Innovation Lab
You're Invited
We've heard a number of business owners who want to connect and brainstorm with other owners who are also running a successful business. So, let's have some fun, bond, and brainstorm, shall we?
There's nothing like authentically connecting with fellow business owners who have a growing business and/or a team of employees.
At this event, we'll share a best practice and a business card. Enjoy a beverage and an appetizer, too!
Join us by completing the RSVP. Don't worry - you're not added to anyone's list and we won't share it - we will just send courtesy reminders and a confirmation that you're registered.
See you soon!
Lisa Mininni, Founder, Business Innovation Lab CoWorking & Conference Center
President, Excellerate Associates