Elevate and Expand Your Brand eBook

As a business professional, you know that unless you create distinction from your competitor, you'll get lumped into a box, like you sell consultancy services, sell insurance, or manufacture a product.
You might also know that unless you can show what makes your product or services distinct, there is little inspiring reason for them to buy from you.
In this complimentary ebook, you will:
- Learn what a signature asset is and why you want to design one.
- Discover the 5 advantages to designing your signature asset.
- Read case studies illustrating how our clients distinguished their companies from all others.
- Tap into resources and tools you can use immediately to move ahead in developing your signature asset.

To access your complimentary eBook, Elevate and Expand Your Brand, please click on the button below, add your contact information, and download this complimentary resource.
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About The Author:

With her best-selling book and owner of two businesses (Excellerate Associates and the Business Innovation Lab CoWorking and Conference Center), Lisa is considered by many to be one of the most innovative consultants and speakers on human wiring and business alignment today. Your human wiring dictates the type of environment in which you are best equipped to thrive and succeed, and the kind of environment you prefer to live and work.
Each and every day, your wiring is at work. When you maximize your unique human wiring, you tap into a new level of productivity. When you deliver communication the way the other person wants to receive it, you significantly improve your communication effectiveness.
All across North America, Lisa Mininni shows companies how to build unstoppable, high-performance leadership teams and Cultures of Distinction.
When your innate wiring and business systems are aligned, it results in:
-Increased productivity with grace and ease
-Highly effective company cultures
-Profound increased levels of team engagement
Her popular book on human wiring, Me, Myself, and Why – The Secrets to Navigating Change, is often used as a leadership tool and pinpoints distinct strengths and unleashes innovation and entrepreneurial thinking in the workplace. You’ve seen this best-selling author featured in or quoted in major media including: CareerBuilder.com, Good Housekeeping, Radio Shows and Podcasts across the world.
Join her upcoming interactive, online events at https://www.ExcellerateAssociates.com/events
Lisa Mininni, Excellerate Associates and Business Innovation Lab