This is where a lot of people will point to a host of tools and fancy techniques. Yet, there is an easy almost simplistic factor that nobody has addressed. That is, until now. The most important factor lies in the combination of behavioral traits. Your traits (or hardwiring) affects everything in your business: how you communicate, network, create relationships, market your business, and make decisions.
According to behavioral psychologists, all human behavior is the response to stimulus. When we do something, we are acting in response to some kind of stimulus. Behavior is governed by two different kinds of stimuli:
• those that come naturally and
• those which are the product of what we have learned or experienced.
We’re all born with a combination of behavioral traits and they can be your greatest gift or biggest inhibitor, especially when enrolling a prospect to a client.
On average, when you meet individuals, you have a total of five seconds to make a good impression. People who are unaware of their traits (or hardwiring) will give information the way they want to receive it. This may not be the way the other person wants to receive information so your message gets lost. You can see why it is so crucial to understand behavioral styles.
When my clients learn to present information the way the other person wants to receive it based on behavioral traits as well as implement systems to pre-qualify their prospects, they convert their prospect to client up to 98 percent of the time.
There is one particular trait that is crucial to establishing rapport and ultimately closing a sale: Pace. That is, how fast or methodical a person wants to receive their information. The pace at which you deliver information has a profound effect on whether or not you connect with your prospect; and ultimately, close the sale. Because I’m naturally wired to give my information quickly, I tend to walk and talk at a faster than average pace. I have recognized that I may present information too quickly. In fact, my pace may overwhelm someone who is more methodical so I have to consciously slow down the pace at which I give information.
So how do you spot how deliberate a person wants to receive their information? It’s as simple as noticing. One day, a gentleman came to my office for a strategy session. I met him at the receptionist area and found myself at a considerable distance ahead of him as we walked back to my office. Not only was the way he was talking purposeful, but he also had a cadence to his walk. Those were immediate behavioral cues that I needed to slow it down and become more deliberate in my communication with him.
Individuals with this methodical trait prefer to know the steps in the process. When I asked him if he would like me to explain a brief outline of our session, he seemed almost relieved. By noticing his pace and giving information he innately needed, we connected and had a heart-to-heart conversation.
If I would have continued with my fast pace, he likely would have felt rushed or interpreted it as pressure. By toning down my volume and reducing how quickly I spoke, I was able to meet his needs for a warm and friendly environment and he was able to open up about what he needed most to grow his business.
Conversely, one of my clients is more methodical in her approach. When talking to more fast-paced prospects, she steps up her pace. Delivering information the way they needed it most enables her to convert a greater percentage of her prospects to clients.
When you give information the way the other person wants to receive it, you’ll establish rapport leading to a strong relationship. When you create strong relationships, people will naturally want to buy from you because people buy from people they know, like and trust.
To learn more about advanced strategies to help continuously fill your prospect pipeline, follow a step-by-step system that is easy and effective. The Entrepreneurial Edge System gives you a system to reverse the sales process, simply close a greater percentage of your existing customers, and puts your marketing on autopilot. It’s a systems approach to profitability that works. All of the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you in a Business Blueprint that puts all of the pieces together so your business works like a well-oiled machine. Learn more at our Entrepreneurial Edge System 3-Day Intensive “Wake Up Profitable” LIVE Event at excellerateassociates.com.