Isn’t it interesting how people talk about companies? You even hear employees use pronouns to describe how “they” did this or that. The employees aren’t even referring to anyone specific in the company.
So, what if your company was a person? It’s a bold question to ask. You might find, if you ask the question, that the company you would like to be is nothing like the company that you actually are.
As a leader, you need to listen openly and respond courageously when asking this question. You may be surprised at the words people use to describe your company.
So if your company was a person, how would you want others to describe it?
Is it young or mature?
Formal or informal?
Traditional or trendy?
Serious or fun?
All companies have a way others view them. How do you want the world to view your company?
If you want to discover how to consciously create a business that is in alignment with your values and full contribution you want to make in the world, then join us at the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners on April 25-26, 2016.
If you haven’t registered, you’ll want to register by Thursday, March 31 to take advantage of the Early Bird Scholarship.
Simply register at http://www.wakeupprofitable.com Enter and Apply Promo Code: 2016EarlyBird
One of the first things that will happen is that you receive a welcome call. This call is designed to have you powerfully positioned to walk into the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp.
When you walk in, you’ll start networking with other small business owners, just like you, and we will get right in to learning a powerful framework to:
-Develop and lead a high-functioning team
-Be up to 40% more productive
-Increase your sales 90% in 30 days
-Systematize a year’s worth of marketing in 1 hour
What would that open up for you if you could achieve those results like our clients have?
Head on over to http://www.wakeupprofitable.com and apply promo code: 2016EarlyBird upon check out. The Boot Camp is regularly $1997 so this is a great opportunity for you to get your seat for only $530 when you register by March 31, 2016.)