Prosperity Expert and Best Selling Author, Randy Gage, recently wrote, “Your happiness, harmony and prosperity aren’t determined by the situations you face, but how you judge those situations.” There is a lot of truth in these words.
As a business owner, you want things to go your way and in your time frame. If you’ve been in business any length of time, you know that thinking things will always go your way and in your time frame is laughable. Even though you prepare and plan, you will need address unexpected situations.
For most business owners, the default is to judge a situation by pointing at how unreasonable the person is being, how unfair you’re being treated, or how the timing is not working out in your favor.
Consider an alternative.
Consider how you judge those situations. As I shared in my book, Me, Myself, and Why? The Secrets to Navigating Change, early in my career, I was working for a company and saw an opportunity to be promoted. At the same time, I had just discovered that I had a malignancy and needed to go through treatment. The CEO decided to bring in a Director from another location to oversee operations. I was disappointed and relieved at the same time.
There were many negative stories that I had made up in my head that contributed to my feeling deflated. What I learned later is that the Director was temporarily transferred to our location so that she could be transferred when a different location was opened.
What I hadn’t considered is that the leadership saw my potential. I just needed to learn additional skills and life lessons that would prepare me to step into a more advanced role.
At some point, I decided to be open to learn all I could learn and be seen as someone who was promotable. It only took months for the entire situation to turn around. Shortly after, I was promoted to the role, got healthy, and learned some valuable lessons.
The next time something doesn’t work out in your favor, take 100% responsibility for the situation. Consider that you are experiencing the situation so that you can step up and into your greater self as a leader.
There is a poem that I often share with my clients. If inspired, feel free to share it with those people you’re standing for in the world.
I Am Standing for You
By Lisa Mininni
When I suggest a greater goal,
I’m standing for you because you are capable of more.
When I say no,
I’m standing for you because you have the ability to make it happen.
When I challenge your idea,
I’m standing for you because you’re creative beyond measure.
When I don’t buy into your excuses,
I’m standing for you to be the remarkable soul you already are.
When I hold you to account,
I’m standing for the contribution you say you want to make for others.
When I stand for you,
it’s because the world needs you.