Many business professionals fail miserably at converting a promising lead into a client.
Could it be their sales process?
Could it be because they didn’t pre-qualify the prospect?
Could it be because they haven’t asked enough questions before pitching their products or services?
And, there’s something few people ever consider. They operate from their very own natural wiring which often gets in the way.
Your natural wiring is present at birth and stays with you throughout your life time. Yet, very few people actually know how much their wiring affects their decisions, relationships and their sales. They spend time and money looking at the latest pitch but fail to consider the very thing impacting the sales process: hardwiring.
Would having a deeper level of insight into how people tick help you to close more sales?
You bet!
Notice how others need to receive their information, and watch as you improve your relationships, communication and results.
Whether you’re conveying an idea, networking or working with an existing client, there is an element of your natural wiring that can make or break any conversation – and that is pace.
So where does pace come from in your natural wiring? Pace comes from your patience level. There are those people who have a low amount of patience as part of their wiring; and conversely, those who are higher in their patience.
It doesn’t mean either can be patient at times. Rather, it tells us how we work. If you have low patience, it creates a short attention span, which creates more of a juggler. If you have a greater patience level, it creates more long term focus; therefore you’ll be more sequential in your work flow.
What’s the value in knowing this?
Recently, I was reminded of an interaction between two of my clients. One was naturally impatient and one was more methodical. The methodical client asked for some feedback; and, in rapid fire, the impatient client had already thought of a solution and was rapidly firing questions at her.
Before my methodically-wired client could answer his first question, the impatient client was firing another question at her.
My methodical client became frustrated because she was unable to think through her thoughts fast enough to respond. Meanwhile, my client who was wired more impatiently wanted to get all of his ideas out before he forgot them. I gestured to my impatiently-wired client to slow down.
We all laughed at the situation recognizing what had just happened. Imagine this same scenario if you were talking to a prospect.
When someone talks quickly or reacts quickly they typically like to receive their information in the same way. Conversely, if you’re wired to talk more methodically, you like to deliver your information in the same way.
However, when talking with a person who is your opposite, your message can get lost or they may tune out.
So the next time you’re networking, talking to a prospect or interacting with a colleague, remember to honor the other person’s pace. This might mean that when you are delivering information, you need to speed up or slow down.
When you become skilled at recognizing the pace at which to deliver information the way the other person wants to receive it, you will become masterful at closing more sales. You will also notice how your rapport improves with others.