As a consumer, you may have noticed that when it comes to buying, there are certain times of the year to purchase that will save you money, such as clothing, appliances, and computers. As a business owner, have you considered using this same strategy to sell more of your products?
If your company sells products, consider your customer’s buying habits at times of the year or days of the week. Certain times are best for buying certain items for the consumer.
For example, one of my mentoring students of the Best Seller Profit System Workshop, found it interesting when I shared with her that more than 40% of all books sold during the year are purchased between November and January.
Whether you’re selling a hard cover book, paperback book, or children’s book, all of these types of books are great gift-giving ideas. As a self-published author, we created several strategies for her marketing plan that included ways to position her book and related products during this time of year to maximize her long-term sales.
Most importantly, don’t let the time of the year be your only consideration. According to Harvard Business Review, “84% of business to business buyers are now starting the purchasing process with a referral, and peer recommendations are influencing more than 90% of all B2B buying decisions.”
With this in mind, combine strategies. At the most optimal time of the year or week, collaborate with your referral sources to spread the word about your product.
Make it simple for your referral partners to share your products or services. Create a page of marketing copy that they can cut, paste and share with their communities through email or social media.
Remember to also reciprocate. Where appropriate, ask your referral sources to share marketing copy for their products or services that you could cut, paste and share with your community.
When you combine these two strategies, you’ll sell more products, including books. You’ll also find it easier to grow your reach and revenue.
►To learn how to become a Best Selling Author and profit long term from your book, join us for the Best Seller Profit System Workshop Nov 2-3, 2017.