Human wiring refers to the innate, neurological tendencies and traits that are present in every individual. It’s no surprise, then, that human wiring has a significant impact on company culture, as it influences how employees interact with each other, how they approach their work, and how they respond to the environment they work in.
Specific ways in which human wiring can affect company culture include:
1. Communication
Different people have different communication styles and ways they
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How to Build in Self-Care For Your Human Wiring
Research indicates that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men report experiencing severe anxiety with physical symptoms like a racing heartbeat. Of working parents, 31% percent of women and 13% of men report having more to do than they can possibly handle, leading to increased stress levels and feelings of being overwhelmed.
Add on hard-to-get supplies interrupting the supply chain to minimizing the distractions that come from working at home, there's a collective energy drain.
From a human wiring
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Managing Your Impatience
Here’s the challenge: you’re waiting for someone else to finish their work before you can leave for the next appointment. You don’t receive it on time and now you’re running late. You get behind a driver that’s going 10 miles below the speed limit. You feel your body getting tense and suddenly you yell at the car in front of you as if they can hear you. You’re going to be even later!
Does this sound familiar?
We can all be impatient at times but losing our cool can result in headaches and
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Human Wiring Lesson: Your Biological Response to a No When Selling
If you’re in business, you need people: People to be clients or people to be on your team. You are also selling something whether it is an idea, a product, or a service.
When you're selling, hearing a no in sales can stop some people in their tracks or motivate others. As a business professional, it's important to know what kind of sales people you need for the type of sales you need to make.
Let’s face it, nobody likes rejection. However, there is a biological reaction that occurs when
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Shifting Your Company’s Culture
We’ve been having insightful conversations with business owners about company culture. When you look around with how things get done, the way goals are achieved, the communication patterns, and the breakdowns, you have an opportunity to innovate, respond, or enhance.
There are many reasons why understanding culture is important. When you explore your company’s culture, you reveal hidden causes of breakdowns, create new efficiencies, and provide pathways to solve important issues.
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