A company culture is a system of shared vision, purpose, values, assumptions, and beliefs. It’s also a set of unwritten rules that influence social norms. Newcomers are often expected to learn these unwritten rules. They often learn what is acceptable or not by observing the protocols or through others in the company.
Company culture can be a defining factor in your company's success or failure. If company culture is unclear to the leaders, existing employees and new hires will determine it.
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Wired to Win 101: Deliver Communication The Way The Other Person Wants to Receive It
Whether you’re launching a new product line, service line or company procedures, keep in mind that the failure rate of change initiatives is estimated between 50-70%. One of the reasons for this high failure rate has to do with the way those changes are communicated.
Communicating effectively is tricky especially since people like to receive their information in different ways. However, when you communicate the information in the way the other person wants to receive it, you increase your
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The Value in Knowing Your Human Wiring
A few months ago I shared an experience when a woman approached me after a speaking engagement and thanked me for saving her marriage. As a speaker, it might have been the first time I was a loss for words. She went on to explain that a simple tip that I shared on human wiring related to how Internal Thinkers and External Thinkers process thought made a significant difference in how she interacted with her husband.
As an External Thinker, she processed thought on the outside. She also
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