After mentoring business owners over 20 years now, I find that many business professionals take a bits-and-pieces approach to expanding their business. They wake up and wonder what else they could do to find new clients. If they see a networking opportunity, they would attend that networking event. If someone said, “join this-or-that group,” they would join. If they got new clients, they would work themselves and their team harder.
It’s commonplace for business owners to fill their calendar with a lot of activities, but never create the strategy, the team, the business model, and execution plan. When you take a systems approach, that is, you look at how all of the pieces fit into the business as a whole, you move forward with intentionality, focus, and speed often avoiding the common operational breakdowns.
For example, one of my clients wondered how his could company could better leverage their seminars. As he walked through the Entrepreneurial Edge System™ at the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp, he discovered that they:
• Did not have a marketing strategy.
• Missed out on revenue opportunities.
• Did not leverage all of their marketing avenues.
• Did not have a call to action that added value, cultivated the relationship, and would automatically follow up.
During the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners, they:
• Identified their Preferred Client Profile so their marketing became laser focused;
• Created their marketing strategy focused on their Preferred Client.
• Identified their sales channels increasing the lifetime value of each client.
• Expanded their revenue streams.
In the first seminar he offered after implementing his business blueprint, they converted more prospects than ever. Most importantly, their infrastructure was strengthen so they could service the customer with greater ease. They also controlled their expenses by utilizing tools and systems that they already had but were not using.
Taking a systems approach creates a greater awareness of the basic structures in which you operate within your business system. From that awareness comes a shift causing you to think and do things differently that has a positive ripple effect.
It’s easy to think you’re doing everything to grow your business, especially if you’re really busy attending events and have pieces of your business together. When you take a systems approach and look at your business in its entirety, you begin to realize that each area of your business is interconnected. You take carefully choreographed steps that attract your ideal clients, expand revenue streams, create freedom through automation and systematization (with tools you already have), and build an optimally-aligned team.
Ready to align all of the pieces of your business?
If yes, I invite you to register for the Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners on Tuesday-Wednesday, April 25-26, 2023.
Register today at: to get instant access to your human wiring assessment and schedule your Private One-on-One Strategy Call.